Has hyper - sensitive moral antennae?
Has hyper - sensitive moral antennae? Or is over-civilized?…. please go away
A female writer who wrote an article about women in Hindu [http://www.hinduweb.org/home/general_sites/hinduwoman/WOMENINHINDUSCRIPTURES.htm]
started by talking about the Hinduism and stated ;
" Unfortunately most foreigners seem to associate Hindu women with Sati and non-remarriage of widows and many Hindus remain unaware of what their own scriptures" [by the way the Sati that she mentioned means burning the wife alive with her husband's dead body] "Yet, it is very easy to trace how restriction on women tightened until they became oppressive" [I think many women from our culture would relate to this part] …." So I decided to put down aspects of women in Hindu religious texts that I find personally fascinating" but what I found VERY fascinating myself is this coming statement, she said; " If anyone has hyper - sensitive moral antennae or is over-civilized please go away". Really full of wisdom!! If we would apply it to life in Egypt, I would suggest posting this statement in public hospitals [more than anywhere else], police stations, public school [and many private ones as well], streets,…..Too many places to think of….and it might not be a bad idea to post it in the airports too.
After she talked about some points and scriptures about women's rights in hindu, which some sounded fair to me and some sounded amazing;
She mentioned; "Some Hindu lawgivers have said that a disobedient wife, if she cannot be controlled in any other way, might be struck three times on the back only and only with a bamboo cane" [notice the 2 only words...on the back "ONLY" and "ONLY"with a bamboo cane…how nice and caring!!]
Talking about inheritance she mentioned that the girl takes 1/4 of the brothers share unless she is the only daughter she take the whole thing.
Talked about how the lawgiver never demand widows to commit sati, [gets burned with her husband's dead body] "though it is highly praised" she said!! [When the husband is alive she gets struck with a bamboo cane when he dies she gets burned!!]
Defending the child marriage she said; "In the epics there is not a single instance of child-marriage".."A girl is considered marriageable only when her menstruation starts"[she doesn't consider this a child marriage!!]
Towards the end of her article she says: "As a Hindu female therefore I judged and found that it is infinitely preferable to be a Hindu".
I think most of us do the same "infinitely preferring" to be what we are….either out of ignorance, cowardliness or gave up and it might also be...
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A female writer who wrote an article about women in Hindu [http://www.hinduweb.org/home/general_sites/hinduwoman/WOMENINHINDUSCRIPTURES.htm]
started by talking about the Hinduism and stated ;
" Unfortunately most foreigners seem to associate Hindu women with Sati and non-remarriage of widows and many Hindus remain unaware of what their own scriptures" [by the way the Sati that she mentioned means burning the wife alive with her husband's dead body] "Yet, it is very easy to trace how restriction on women tightened until they became oppressive" [I think many women from our culture would relate to this part] …." So I decided to put down aspects of women in Hindu religious texts that I find personally fascinating" but what I found VERY fascinating myself is this coming statement, she said; " If anyone has hyper - sensitive moral antennae or is over-civilized please go away". Really full of wisdom!! If we would apply it to life in Egypt, I would suggest posting this statement in public hospitals [more than anywhere else], police stations, public school [and many private ones as well], streets,…..Too many places to think of….and it might not be a bad idea to post it in the airports too.
After she talked about some points and scriptures about women's rights in hindu, which some sounded fair to me and some sounded amazing;
She mentioned; "Some Hindu lawgivers have said that a disobedient wife, if she cannot be controlled in any other way, might be struck three times on the back only and only with a bamboo cane" [notice the 2 only words...on the back "ONLY" and "ONLY"with a bamboo cane…how nice and caring!!]
Talking about inheritance she mentioned that the girl takes 1/4 of the brothers share unless she is the only daughter she take the whole thing.
Talked about how the lawgiver never demand widows to commit sati, [gets burned with her husband's dead body] "though it is highly praised" she said!! [When the husband is alive she gets struck with a bamboo cane when he dies she gets burned!!]
Defending the child marriage she said; "In the epics there is not a single instance of child-marriage".."A girl is considered marriageable only when her menstruation starts"[she doesn't consider this a child marriage!!]
Towards the end of her article she says: "As a Hindu female therefore I judged and found that it is infinitely preferable to be a Hindu".
I think most of us do the same "infinitely preferring" to be what we are….either out of ignorance, cowardliness or gave up and it might also be...
بيدى لا بيد عمر
حكيمة فعلاً! ألا يشبه هذا ما نفعله كلنا وما تفعله نساءنا حين يظهرن في التفزيون يدافعن عن أحاديث "الضرب الشرعي" بعصا السواك وهو ضرب قال إيه غير مبرح؟ وكما تقولين فهم يؤثرون السلامة على الملامة، ويقبلون العلقم على إنه شهد ... ومن الهندو لغيره وغيره يا قلبي لا تحزن
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الثقافة التي تدافع عن الظلم و العنصرية ضد النوع لمجرد أن يكون هذا الهذيان احيانا له شبهة دينية، لقد أتيحت لي الفرصة بمراجعة و ترجمة كتيب عن الختان أصدرته منظمة الصحة العالمية حديثا، و هو عن حكم الإسلام بالنسبة للختان (ذكورا و إناثا)، و لقد أذهلني أن الحديثين المقام عليهما هذة الأسطورة، و هي ختان الإناث شيء مقبول أو مستحسن و إن لم يكن فرضا، ما هو إلا محض إفتراء، فالحديثين لا يمكن أن يكونا صحيحين أبدا (وهذا مدعوم بأدلة من أساتذة إسلاميين مثل الدكتور سليم العوا، و غيره) و هما منافيان لطبيعة الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام، فلا يعقل أن يتفوه بمثل هذه العبارات المفصلة الجنسية الإيحاء مثلا، و مع ذلك ستجدين من النساء و الرجال المتمسحين بالدين أو بالأحري النفاق بالدين، من يدافع عن هذه الأحاديث بزعم وجودها في أحد الصحيحين، و من قال أن مجرد الإثبات في أحد الصحيحين يستوجب منطقية الحديث أو أن الرسول صلي الله عليه و سلم لابد أن يكون قائله فعلا، ألم يتسائل أحد لماذا رفض رسول الإسلام أن يكتب عنه ما يقول أو يفعل و نهي عن ذلك بكل حسم و حزم،
تعليقك يا ايمان ادهشنى و اسعدنى...أدهشنى ان اقراء تعليق يتكلم عن نفس الموضوع الذى كنت على وشك نشر مقالةعنه اليوم
وهو عن الختان -هذا الموضوع يشغل حيذ كبير من تفكيرى- و اسعدنى و شجعنى تعليقك على نشره
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